Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Last year, Noah and his friend were on the same soccer team during the fall and spring league. Not only were they on the same soccer team, but also in the same 2nd grade class. Through soccer and school a friendship formed. This year, the boys are not in the same class or on the same team, so it was exciting to play one another. Both teams did a GREAT job passing, defending and shooting on the goal. Jacob spent the first half as goalie and did a tremendous job--never allowing our team to score although it wasn't for lack of effort. The final score: Turquoise 2/Lightning Bolts 1. It was fun to spend time with Jacob's Mom and to watch the boys together on the field--just like last year! Great job to both Noah and Jacob!!


Heather O'Steen Photography said...

Awwww - I love the last picture. Will you move back to MD and be my assistant???

Wendy said...

Wouldn't that be fun?! Bummer that we're probably staying in Ohio for a LONG time...sigh. Hope all is well with the O'Steens! Miss y'all!