Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First Day of School

I know each one of us comments at the beginning of school how quickly the summer passed, but REALLY, it did go quickly! We had a wonderful summer: swim team, vacation, football practices and time with family and friends. I'm not sure our family was quite ready to let go of summer vacation, but alas the first day is upon us. Alexander rose early, anxious to begin his first day of high school. Honestly, where in the world does the time go? I can remember his first day of kindergarten when we lived in Maryland and having a "Mom anxiety" about his first day. He's much older now, but I still had that "Mom anxiety" this morning. I KNOW he's going to have a great year--I can just feel it, but I'm still concerned about whether or not he'll find his classes easily, will he like his teachers, will he have any friends in his classes, who will he sit with at lunch. He's growing up so quickly and we're very proud of the young man he's becoming. Some of the Moms who have already experienced high school tell me to "hold on"--it's going to be a quick trip through high school. Believe me, I'm savoring all the time I have with the boys. I know how quickly the last 3 years have passed since our move to Ohio and realize the next 4 will move at lightning speed.

Noah arose an hour after his big brother left for school. He was nervous and anxious about his first day of 5th grade. I assured him that his feelings were normal and that I thought many of the students and teachers felt the same way this morning. I remember Noah's first day of 3 year old preschool so many years ago. He had his red bag looped over his shoulder, almost dragging on the ground because he was so tiny. We had carpool drop-off at the preschool, so I wasn't allowed to walk him to his classroom. I remember looking back at him just before one of the teachers pulled him out of the car and he had the largest smile on his face. I will never forget his little, tiny body walking into preschool for the first time--head held high and never once did he look back. I remember shedding a tear and thinking that my baby was growing up. Well, now my baby is beginning his final year of elementary school and I'm excited for the year he will face.

I was on "pins and needles" all day thinking about the boys! I made their favorite breakfast for them (cinnamon rolls) and even fixed a special treat (s'mores bars) for their after school snack. Since Alexander has football practice, Noah was the first to arrive home. I was greeted with smiles! YAY! And, he rambled on for quite a while sharing details of his day. He likes his new teacher and is thrilled beyond words that his best buddy is in his class again this year!
Around 6:15pm, I finally received the phone call from Alexander that practice was over. I couldn't wait to hear about his day. Alexander commented that he felt like he had been attending Central for years. He likes his teachers, for the most part, and even has a few friends in his classes. And, he found some football friends to sit with at lunch. His freshman year is off to a good start.
I'm happy beyond words that both boys returned home smiling and eager to return to school! I know it's going to be a GREAT year!!

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