Friday, November 20, 2009

An Afternoon with Friends

Last Thursday and Friday (11/12 & 11/13), the boys and their friends were off school for fall conferences. We enjoyed an unseasonably warm fall afternoon and my neighbor and I decided it was the perfect day for a picnic and hike. After picking up Chick Fil A for all, we drove to Highbanks Metro Park.

After eating, it was time for "recess"--swinging on the swings was fun for all.

The two Moms before the LONG hike--we had lots of fun and had we opted to hike a few weeks earlier I know the leaves would have been amazing. Unfortunately, they're all gone and the "winter look" has officially arrived in Ohio. Before starting our walk, Noah & Lauren found walking sticks. Not to be outdone, Joel and Alexander spied one too--note it's much, much taller than either one of them! Boys will be boys.

Ready to hike--complete with walking sticks and lots of energy from our yummy lunch.

My boys were uncooperative with picture taking. While I smiled nicely, Alexander made some goofy smile and Noah stuck his gum to his lip--ugga-mugga!

They were pretending to have some fancy "Olympic" throw. However, when Alexander threw his stone it went straight up in the air (notice he's searching for his stone) rather than into the woods. OOPS!

We finally reached the "lookout" where the Olentangy River glides quickly past far below the "lookout" point. Lauren watching the sun reflect on the water.
We had a wonderful afternoon with our friends--it was a great bonding experience for the two older boys. The afternoon was beautiful and I'm so happy we were able to spend some time outside.

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