Sunday, June 27, 2010

Let The Fun Begin

Trey's parents, after many years of service to various Lima establishments, decided to retire this year. Larry retired at the end of April and Dee just a few weeks ago when school finished. Trey and I tossed around the idea of a party for them, but when Cheryl phoned suggesting we throw a surprise party--we were 100% on board. Cheryl & Arlene (Dee's sisters) as well as Trey and I worked together for a few weeks to organize and prepare for the event. We e-mailed invites, booked a room at the bowling alley where Dee & Larry have played on leagues for many years, and worked on decorations. It was a lot of fun corresponding with everyone and I'm touched by the number of people (close to 60) that attended the event. We weren't sure whether or not we'd surprise Trey's parents, but by the picture below--it was definitely a successful surprise on Sunday, June 13, 2010!

Of course, the surprise party wasn't the only surprise. Trey's parents had NO idea that Danny and Cheryl were also attending the retirement party. As soon as Trey's parents entered the room, Danny phoned Larry and asked what he was doing.

Larry was so busy describing the scene to Danny, that he didn't realize Danny was standing next to him--what a wonderful surprise!

Meanwhile, Cheryl was dishing out a surprise of her own to Dee. I'd say she was successful in surprising her sister :)!!

Dee, with her sisters, Cheryl and Arlene.

Cheryl asked Noah to read a silly story that she found. When asked the night before, Noah eagerly agreed and even practiced a few times. Both of Trey's parents had watery eyes as Noah read his story. Noah, we're really proud of you--great job!

The theme of the party, "things that don't work anymore". The tables were decorated with the places where Dee and Larry worked--Lima Tank Plant, school, Lima News... Arlene created the poster behind the cake. The picture on the cake is of Trey's parents and Sheah in front of their new travel trailer.

It's not often that Trey and I have our picture taken--thanks Alexander. And, I love the picture of Trey's parents with Trey and Chris--again, not many opportunities for a family picture.

Dee and Larry enjoying their many retirement cards and gifts. And finally, a picture with the grandkids. Dee & Larry, we wish you the very best as you begin a new chapter--may the best be yet to come! Love you!

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