Sunday, April 19, 2009

Serving Families in Need

To protect the privacy of those served last night, pictures will not accompany this post. Last night, our family served meals to the homeless through a mission associated with the church we've recently started attending. The boys have never served in this capacity and were uncertain what to expect. I assure you that the experience touched all of our hearts in ways we never thought possible.

We arrived in downtown Columbus around 6:45pm. After accidentally arriving at the wrong church--in the navigator's defense, I had the right parking lot, but didn't realize two churches shared the same space--we walked the back alley and finally located our proper destination. All the while Trey was carrying two, large containers of steaming, hot cheesy potatoes. Needless to say, his weary arms were quite relieved when we finally appeared in the "right spot".

Our individual assignments varied last night--Alexander served rolls, I cut and placed cake pieces on plates and Trey and Noah served the desserts to families seated enjoying their meals. Both boys smiled throughout our time serving the homeless. Noah took his job very seriously and managed to serve EVERY cookie (dozens) and EVERY piece of cake. He even boxed some leftover pieces and happily gave them to a gentleman he befriended. The boys were the only two children helping and both received numerous compliments on their behavior and their willingness to serve. Noah, because of his young age and enthusiasm, was the hit of the evening. He never once took a break in the 1 1/2 hours we served dinner. He made sure that everyone had a dessert. He had a tray that held 6 plates and he was constantly refilling his tray and back out amongst the tables serving, making new friends along the way.

For the boys, serving the homeless last night was a realization that everyone doesn't live as comfortably as we do. We take SO much for granted and often forget how many blessings we enjoy--down to the littlest details. And while material items are "nice", sometimes the gifts given and received from the heart are the ones that touch each of us much more.


Heather O'Steen Photography said...

What a wonderful thing to with your whole family. I'm sure the boys were left with quite an impression.

Jennifer said...

That is awesome I love hearing about your family having a Serving Heart, what a great thing to show the boys and remind ourselves that we are blessed beyond our needs.