For Christmas, Trey surprised me by enrolling me in photography classes. I've been waiting and waiting for class to begin--it finally began during the snowstorm Wednesday evening. Suprisingly, class wasn't cancelled. Another suprise, one of my friends is also enrolled in the course. We had an amazing time Wednesday evening although I'll admit them I'm still a little confused on how to appropriately set aperture, shutter speed and ISO. For now, I remain using my "P" program where the aperture and shutter speed are predetermined and I set the ISO (800 for the below pictures as it was WAY too cold to experiment). Our optional assignment was landscape photography. The instructor recommended visiting Heritage Park, so today I braved the cold and took a few landscape pictures which are displayed below. Remember, this is my first assignment and I know I have much to learn. Although it was FREEZING cold (below zero--or very close) I had a great time attempting to have a creative eye and take pictures. Any and all constructive feedback is welcome!
Our instructor shared that when a light source, such as the sun, is in your photo (as above), it's best to focus on an element without the sun in focus. It's amazing what this technique provides...the above picture was taken with the sun while the below picture was taken after I focused on the ground without the sun in view and then returned to take the same shot as above...I know that's confusing--following?
The trees framing the pond in the background was completely accidental, but I love the symmetry it provides. (picture below)
WOW Wendy!! I'm so excited for you! The pictures look great. But, okay, explain that again - I'm fascinated with how you got the light to change depending on what you focused on???? Explain again please???.....
OK--the sun is in your picture, so take the camera and focus on an area where the sun isn't located. Hold the button 1/2 way to focus and remain holding the button and return to your original picture position and shoot. Since the camera focused on another object, the sun won't cause interference in your picture. Isn't that cool?
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