Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

We were home a day before heading out on our next road trip. Thankfully this distance was much shorter--1 1/2 hours to Lima, Ohio to visit Trey's parents and celebrate Christmas Eve.

Wendy and Trey: December 24, 2010

Dee and Arlene wearing their Christmas gifts from their sister Cheryl

The boys opening their Christmas Eve gift

Haiden opening his Christmas Eve gift

Preparing for the "Right Family" Christmas story and then a crazy round of the "Twelve Days of Christmas"

Ryan, now 21, was our ring bearer when Trey and I were married. He's pictured with his girlfriend, Jenna.

Trey and his Aunt Cheryl have traded "candy jokes" ever since Trey offered salt flavored salt water taffy when their two families were vacationing at Disney World in the 1980's. This year Cheryl sent gross Jelly Bellys-some of the flavors include: skunk smell, pencil shavings, baby wipe, rotten egg and vomit to name a few. Trey and his cousin Tracy deciding who should try the next jelly bean.

"Here, try this!" Trey offers. Notice a poker face Alexander--he's not revealing the flavor, "just try it".

Poor Aunt Helen--unsuspecting victim to Trey and her daughter Tracy's jelly belly tricks. Tracy gave her a "baby wipe" flavored jelly bean and well, the picture tells the rest of the story.

Chris and Trey: December 24, 2010

Every year, I take a picture of Ryan and the boys. My boys admire Ryan and enjoy any time they can spend with him.

The girls, Shiha and Sophie, playing "tug of war"

Sally and Tracy

Alexander and Noah with Great G'ma Pace

May your day be full of peace, love and joy! Merry Christmas!

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