Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Noah's been busy too!

With the boys growing up so quickly, rarely does art work make it's way home. I was THRILLED when Noah arrived home from school recently with this amazing piece. His interpretation of Van Gogh's "Starry Night"--I LOVE it!

Recently, Noah's elementary school hosted a Saturday morning Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser. The music teacher arranged for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th graders to perform throughout the morning. We arrived mid-morning at the breakfast and anxiously awaited the scheduled time for the 4th graders to perform. They sang some wonderful songs and also played their recorders. One recorder can at times be a little hard on the ears, but shockingly a number of recorders playing together is quite nice! This performance was Noah's first ever concert--so it was quite special. He enjoyed singing and playing the recorder and I'm so happy we were able to attend as a family.

For the past 6+ weeks Noah and his best buddy have been taking a drama class together. They've practiced, memorized, rehearsed and now performed "Willy Wonka and the Hot Chocolate Factory". All of the kids worked very hard on the production and it showed. Noah had several parts including G'pa George (pictured below as he recites his lines), Winkelman and a "snipe". He was dressed in a white overcoat with sunglasses and "spied" during the portion of the performance that happened at the Wonka Plant. Oh my--he and his best friend were really fun to watch!

Noah receiving his hot chocolate mug for his amazing performance in "Willy Wonka and the Hot Chocolate Factory". Noah, we've enjoyed watching your events too! SO proud of you "Mr. No"!