Monday, February 16, 2009

The Last Class Draws Near

For Christmas, Trey gave me a wonderful gift--photography classes. I have enjoyed each session and feel like I have gained a wealth of knowledge. I'm slowly gaining a comfort level switching between all of my settings; including manual. Our assignment this week was to experiment with shutter speed. After Trey arrived home from work, we set off to Inniswood Gardens in search of the waterfall I remembered from the summer months; unfortunately, the waterfall doesn't exist during winter months. We did find a substitute; not as breathtaking, but enough to allow me to experiment with contrasting shutter speeds. While I'm disappointed that class ends this week, I am no longer overwhelmed by the many tasks my camera performs and am eager to continuing learning and experimenting. Thanks again Trey--photography classes were a thoughtful and memorable gift! The red cardinal contrasted against the barren winter landscape was stunning
A slower shutter speed blurring the substitute waterfall

A quick shutter speed "stopping" the water in mid air

While Trey and I were searching for another waterfall, we heard this strange noise. I looked up and high in a tree, this squirrel was busy gnawing on his acorn. He was so engrossed in his task that I was able to switch lens and focus several times on him before taking a shot.

1 comment:

Heather O'Steen Photography said...

Great job Wendy!! Wish I could be shooting alongside you!! :)