We headed South on Friday, July 10th arriving at my parent's home in SC late Saturday afternoon. My sister arrived a couple hours later. We enjoyed spending the week with my parents and sister...many, many memories were created during one week!
Our first "official" day with my parents was spent enjoying the beach! My parents, Beth, Alexander and I went for a "long walk" (or so Alexander thought) while Trey and Noah played in the sand.
Alexander and Dad tossing the football on the beach.
The boys riding the waves in their tubes--not easy to blow up unless
you have a lot of "hot air" (hmmmm...Trey)
Our day at the beach was picture perfect--no clouds, warm sunshine and a wonderful tropical breeze. The waves were perfect and we enjoyed "jumping" the waves . We returned to the beach for our final morning too. The remainder of our time was spent "traveling".
It's official--Trey and I have a teenager in the house! Alexander celebrated his "golden birthday" turning 13 on July 13th! We welcome the teenager years, I think, although we realize there will be challenges and triumphs along the way. Here's to a new chapter in your life Alexander--welcome to the "teen years".

Alexander decided to celebrate his birthday in style--taking a Dolphin Seafari cruise from Palmetto Bay Marina on Hilton Head Island.

Before leaving the marina, we saw two dolpins!
Traveling along the water, it's absolutely amazing to see the homes that line the shore! We passed a 16 million dollar home--16 million dollars!

Captain Noah took his turn at the wheel quite seriously!

A hazy view of the infamous lighthouse at Harbor Town

Captain Cool casually steers the boat in search of black tipped shark
that had been seen earlier in the area. Unfortunately, we didn't see any sharks.

I've always loved the contrast of the sea grass against the water.
The Cross Island Bridge is in the background.

Following our cruise, the deck hand (probably not his actual job description)
hoisted up a nearby crab pot to show us what was under the water surface.

Alexander decided while on Hilton Head that a trip to South Beach Marina
in Sea Pines Plantation was a must.

We stopped by the infamous 

and enjoyed some drinks outside, under an umbrella and refreshing mist

After walking around South Beach, the boys decided they needed Salty Dog TShirts. Noah chose to tie-dye his shirt--a masterpiece; while Alexander opted for a store bought shirt.

Alexander's Island celebration concluded with dinner at the Japanese Steakhouse

Noah was determined to use chop sticks

Our chef, Dennis, created a flaming onion volcano. Dennis did an
awesome job preparing our meal table side!

Not to be out done by his younger brother, Alexander opted for chopsticks too

Celebrating Alexander's 13th Birthday Japanese style; not too quietly
I might add!! Alexander we hope you enjoyed your
13th birthday! I know Papa Bill and Grandma Joan were thrilled to
celebrate another BDay with you--they hadn't celebrated with
you since your first birthday in Medina, Ohio.

On Tuesday (7.14) we drove 2 hours to Charleston, SC. Mom and Dad asked each of the boys to select something special and you both agreed on a trip to Patriot's Point in Charleston.

The day started with a tour of the Submarine--Clamagore

If you've never explored a submarine, it's quite fascinating. I LOVE the movie "U-571", but never realized how tight submarine quarters were/are for the sailors! The boys had a blast traveling through the various compartments.

I tried, unsuccessfully, to sail through the openings--the actors in U-571 made it look much easier. The boys were much more successful!

After touring the Clamagore, we headed to the USS Yorktown known as "The Fighting Lady". The aircraft carrier served in WWII as well as the Vietnam War. "The Fighting Lady" could house 90 planes on it's 888 foot surface.

For those that know me well, it's shocking that I agreed to pose in front of a stationary helicopter, but I did! The helicopter is one of several aircraft on the carrier.

Looking down from the bridge at various aircrafts on the carrier surface

In addition to touring the Clamagore and USS Yorktown, we took a boat ride to Fort Sumter (only accessible by boat). Fort Sumter was constructed in Charleston Harbor to protect the city. The opening shots of the Civil War were fired on April 12, 1861.

The fort was built in the shape of a pentagon

Original mortar embedded in the 5 foot thick wall.

The five smaller flags flying above the fort were all flown
at some point at Fort Sumter. We learned a lot during
our stay in Charleston!

The following day, we travelled to Georgia and visited Old Fort Jackson. Fort Jackson, like Fort Sumter, was constructed in the harbor to protect the city of Savannah.

Noah and his favorite new cap--Papa Bill taught him to say, "Long live the Union"
and I assure you that Noah wasn't shy about repeating Papa's phrase.
Probably not too wise considering the Southerners still don't have
warm feelings toward Northerners! Oh well, he certainly looked adorable!

After touring Old Fort Jackson, we headed to Tybee Island
and a visit to "The Crab Shack" 'where the elite eat in their bare feet'.

The Crab Shack's claim to fame is feeding the alligators. Approximately 40 American Alligators are housed in a "pen" located just outside the restaurant.

We clipped "alligator food" to the end of a long pole and placed the
pole into a sea of alligators. Guess they've been fed this way
before because they wasted no time in snatching the bait!

Trey and the boys watching the alligators at The Crab Shack

Our final stop on Tybee Island, GA was a trip to the lighthouse.
Unfortunately, we reached the lighthouse late in the day
and were unable to climb to the top.

Another view of the Tybee Island light house

On Thursday morning, Uncle Len stopped by with his motorcycle and gave the boys motorcycle rides. Noah was a little hesitant at first, but by the time they returned from their ride--he was loving the motorcycle and asked Trey if he would get one....oh no!

Alexander and Uncle Len returning from Alexander's ride

Trey and Uncle Len heading out for a longer ride

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