Trey and I were anxious to meet up with the boys as they've spent the last week on an adventure with Trey's parents. Dee manages to keep the boys hopping from activity to activity. Their first couple days were spent in Cincinnati--spending a night with cousins and a day at King's Island. The next couple of days had various activities including bowling, a movie and a wonderful surprise from Papa--a tank ride! On Thursday afternoon, they headed to Dee and Larry's home away from home and enjoyed 2 nights camping. Their camp neighbors took them on a boat ride their first day at the site and the following day new friends of Noah's took them on another boat ride. As always, they enjoy camping--hot dogs and s-mores on the fire. This year, Grammy gave each boy a camping book with a personal note--their annual week together holds many memories for each of them.

A peak inside Dee and Larry's new camper. It's amazing how much additional room the "slide out" provides. All the amenities of home are within the confines of their "new home".

It's becoming an annual tradition to make the flag cake.
This year, we made the cake for the camp wide picnic.

Grammy has introduced Alexander to a new card game--Five Crowns. Both are VERY good at the game, so Trey and I decided to give it a whirl too.

Thanks Papa and Grammy for another week full of special memories.
We look forward to our annual summer week together every year!

Happy 4th of July everyone!
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