Tuesday, July 21, 2009

"Creeking" at Highbanks

Samuel M. spent yesterday, last night and most of today with us--Trey's cousin's son. Sam is 11 and right in between our boys' ages. The boys had a great time together. Yesterday we spent an overcast and chilly afternoon at the pool. The boys played together last night and had a sleepover in the basement. Today we decided to go "creeking" at Highbanks Metro Park. We purchased nets in anticipation of catching something from the creek.

Noah had been to the creek during his CSI camp earlier in the summer. Thankfully he remembered exactly where to access the creek and we easily found our destination.

The boys spent quite a bit of time walking up and down the creek in search of anything--frogs, crawfish, minnows, snakes... Thankfully we only found crawfish, minnows and the tiniest frog I've ever seen--no snakes, phew!

Alexander searching his net for a "catch".

Sam and Noah opted for aquarium nets. They hoped that the smaller nets would be more helpful in catching minnows. Unfortunately the minnows outsmarted the boys.The boys had a great time together and we hope that Sam will be able to join us again soon!

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