Monday, August 6, 2012

GO NOLA--Day 6

Tuesday morning, we were assigned to a "work bus" which we took to and from our Habitt for Humanity site daily

Bus #4 getting ready to roll toward our Habitat site for the last time

Together, as a team, we made amazing progress throughout the week.  Looking at the house as we began our final day was very satisying.  Even Ben commented on how we exceeded his expectations with the work we completed!

David, our friend who taught us how to easily remove nails earlier in the week.  His job for today was to nail the plywood at the roof level.

Shannon and Wendy nailing interior walls in place.

The wood was so warped, that more often than not, the boards were pulled together with a clamp.  Once the wood was clamped together, nailing the boards together was much easier.

Kevin and I were sent to Ben's truck to locate another clamp.  Poor Ben, his truck is organized chaos!  I noticed, in the very back of the truck, a clamp, hidden beneath other "stuff".  Kevin though it would be funny to take my picture while I was crawling in the truck.

Walls were passed up from a ground crew to the girls waiting on the house.  Once the walls were on the floor, we slid them to their location.

Melissa, Mandy, Michelle and myself--we worked together the last 2 days, hammering, hammering and hammering some more.

Kevin added to the group of girls--he taught us a thing or two this week also.

Shannon, Michelle, Wendy and David--header crew

Right before we were scheduled to leave another storm rolled through dropping buckets of rain.  We left in sch a rush and I never had a chance to thank Ben properly for his patience and guidance.  This is the picture I snapped before dashing to the bus.

Once back at the hotel, we showered and changed and headed to FABC for a celebration/baptism service.  FABC was kind to allow Crossroads to borrow their facility.  Then, we bused to land they purchased for a new plant church and enjoyed a picnic FABC style.  The food was fantastic! 

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