Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A Visit with the Mills Family

Recently the Mills family visited for a few days. Kathy and I determined that we've been friends for almost 1o years! Our paths first crossed during a small group we attended during our early years at Mountain Christian Church in Maryland. Looking back at that time in our lives, Trey and I were in such a different place back then--I often think of Maryland as the place where Trey and I finally "grew up". We learned and experienced so much during our 5 years in Maryland--and the friendships that developed will last a life time. To me, one of the true signs of friendship is that the bond doesn't weaken over time and distance. We've been away from our Maryland friends for 6 1/2 years, but time and distance don't dim the relationships. Obviously, we're not able to enjoy one another's company as frequently, but when we do get together it's as if time stood still--we pick up where we last left off. Times are different--the kids have grown--our families have changed, yet our friendship endures. We have been blessed with several friendships while living in Maryland, Georgia and Ohio--we are thankful for each one of you!

The Mills family arrived for an extended Columbus Day weekend; only the boys and I still had school on Columbus Day--go figure?! Kathy and I were amazed at how well the kids played together since they last saw one another two years ago. Following Noah's soccer game, Kathy and I took the boys to the Lego Store at Easton. Jarrod could hardly wait to return home so his new buddy, Alex, could help him construct his lego police car.
After attending church on Sunday, we left for an afternoon at COSI in downtown Columbus. Unfortunately, we weren't all able to attend, but those that did enjoyed the afternoon. COSI is divided into several areas. The kids enjoyed exploring space, the ocean, technology and other areas. The highlight of the afternoon was a toss up between the centrifugal force--remaining against the wall while the floor drops out from beneath you OR riding the unicycle on a tightrope a story off the ground with a 250 pound weight holding you vertical and safe...

Trey fearless as he quickly rides backward down the tightrope and back again.

Emylie rode the unicyle too!

Before Noah left the gate he thoroughly discussed the "ride" with the COSI employee. Once he reached a comfort level--off he went! I have to admit that my heart was pounding incredibly fast watching my "baby"!

Behind the kids is the contraption where the spinning causes one to remain against the wall while the floor drops out! I assure you that Mom did NOT participate in this fun!

On Monday, while the boys attended school, Emylie visited my classroom and was a wonderful helper! The class fell in love with her and thoroughly enjoyed the stories she shared with them.

All weekend Trey was teasing Jarrod about "cow pies". We took the Mills to Graeters (yummy ice cream), but before leaving Trey informed Jarrod we were going for "cow pies", not ice cream. So as to not continue to confuse the poor child, Trey bought "moon pies" and told Jarrod they were the much anticipated "cow pies"--oh my--he LOVED them!

The final event of the trip occurred when Aidan lost his front tooth! We've since learned that the other front tooth disappeared. Hmmm--"All I Want for Christmas are My Two Front Teeth"!

Ken and Kathy, we thoroughly enjoyed your visit! It was so much fun to catch up with one another, relax and just have a great weekend! We're glad you arrived home safely and look forward to the next time we can all be together again!

1 comment:

Heather O'Steen Photography said...

Awww Wendy - It looks like you guys had a GREAT time together! I can't believe how grown up the Mills kids are! I haven't seen her in forever and she lives right here! Too bad they have to go to Ohio so I can see them!!?? :) Kirsten still talks about the COSI museum and it inspired us to join the Maryland Science Center - it's very similar to COSI - Even has the unicycle! We need to catch up soon! MIss you guys!