The celebrating for the BIG 1-0 began Friday afternoon in the school cafeteria. Like last year, Noah asked if I would make cupcake cones for his friends in honor of his BDay. 

Noah was SO busy making sure all of his classmates and 4th grade teachers had cupcake cones, that both he and I forgot to make sure Noah enjoyed a cupcake cone!

Noah's friends rode the bus home with him Friday after school--let the festivities begin!! The boys enjoyed pizza followed closely by cupcake cones--no one had enjoyed one earlier in the day, so it was the perfect treat! Happy Birthday to you Noah!

Enjoyng his cupcake cone treat--yummy!

The theme for Noah's Birthday party was "Noah's goodbye to summer campout". Having never set up a tent before, I called in reinforcements and the tent was "up" within 15 minutes! Thank heavens for friends!!

After squirting one another with water guns and hanging out in the tent, the boys changed and we headed over to the Rec Center for "open" swim. The boys had a blast splashing in the water, floating down the lazy river and sliding down the slides.

Once home again, Papa already had the fire going and the boys were ready for s'mores! Who knew that a bag of marshmellows would have to be rationed for everyone to enjoy?!

Papa and Grammy came down to enjoy Noah's party too.

Alexander and a couple friends decided that making s'mores and
hanging out by the campfire wasn't so bad.

All bundled up, snug and cozy within the tent--ready for the camp out. We let the boys sleep outside by themselves ONLY because our bedroom window overlooks where the tent was pitched. We could hear the boys talking long into the night. Needless to say, no one enjoyed a lot of sleep Friday night, but everyone had a GREAT time!

Noah's friends left by 9am Saturday morning so, we could ready ourselves for Noah's 10am soccer game. Of course, Noah insisted on opening "family" gifts before heading to the field.

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