Trey turns the BIG 4-0 today!
Amazing that his gift is 2/3 his height--hmmm, what could it be?

The long awaited "new grill". Our current grill is falling apart;
well, that might be an understatement.
Trey's been eyeing grills since last summer--
shockingly, he hasn't purchased one.
His parents, my parents, my sister
and myself all went in together to purchase
an extra special gift for Trey's 40th!

The boys gave Trey a mesh frying pan;
perfect for grilling veggies on the new grill.

We moved away from the garage for some
Birthday pictures with Dad.

As we know, a birthday isn't complete without cake.
Trey LOVES dark chocolate--good thing since that's the cake flavor!

We hope all of your wishes come true!
Happy 40th Birthday Trey!!
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