The Columbus, Ohio, Susan G. Komen "Race for the Cure": Saturday, May 16, 2009.
Our small city ranks among the "Top 10" "Race for the Cure" events in the world!
Yesterday, Columbus set another record with 46,00o+ participants!!

Members of "Heather's Team" wore bright pink wigs to honor Heather Pick's memory. Heather was a local TV anchor person who openly shared her breast cancer story with the Columbus viewing area. She bravely fought her second recurrence of breast cancer,
but sadly, lost her battle last November at the age of 38.
At the last moment, Trey joined me to walk, not run, the 5K.

Women, and men, currently undergoing treatment rode in trollies and led the runners and walkers at the start of the 2009 "Race for the Cure". Breast cancer survivors wore pink shirts-- it was amazing to see the number of survivors walking amongst a sea of supporters. Each participant had the opportunity to walk in honor or memory of a loved one who has endured breast cancer. It was overwhelming to read bib after bib of families who have been touched by this disease; including our own.

The following statistics were included in our registration packet. In Ohio, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer. In Ohio, approximately 6700 women will receive news of their breast cancer diagnosis; more than 1800 women will die. In Ohio, the state ranks 4th in breast cancer mortality and 34th in breast cancer incidence. The numbers are heartbreaking, but with awareness and education, hopefully the numbers will decrease nationwide.

Participants walking the 5K--there were mothers and fathers, daughters and sons, sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles, grandmothers and grandfathers, husband and wives and many friends, with their own stories, united together for a common goal--to help eliminate breast cancer. It was an amazing event and I'm honored that Trey and I were able to participate.

At the finish line, the survivors were honored with a medal and ribbon acknowledging their strength and courage in their personal fight against breast cancer.
"We will walk and we will run until we find a cure"!