Thursday, September 11, 2008

Birthday Wishes DO Come True...

Noah has been attending Robert Frost Elementary since school began due to a 3rd grade overflow issue at his "home" school--Alcott Elementary. It's been a challenging 2 1/2 weeks of school! By the end of last week I think Noah FINALLY found peace in his new school situation. He adores his teacher and is slowly making friends. However, his prayer since school began was that Alcott would invite him to return. Yesterday, his prayer was answered!
Once I was aware of the news, I was wishing my day away, full of excitement and anticipation for Noah's response! After promising him that Dad said it was OK, I watched him open the "early" birthday gift (his Alcott t-shirt & a note). Noah's reaction was priceless as he began to read his note--a HUGE smile emerged when he realized he'd return to his "old" school and be with his friends once again!

After reading his note he told me that this was "the best birthday present--EVER!!!"
Every once in a while,
Birthday wishes DO come true...


Heather O'Steen Photography said...

Oh my goodness - that makes me want to cry!! We were so excited for Noah when Trey gave us the news last night!!! What a wonderful answer to prayer. What a priceless picture of his little smile....

Wendy said...

Thanks Heather...he can't wait to walk through the Alcott doors on Monday morning. Honestly, I don't know if he's more excited about his BDay party on Sunday, or beginning school at Alcott on Monday.