OK, so being new to the blogging world, I have no idea how to comment on the map listed in the "Mission Accomplished" blog below, so adding a new blog is my solution. Just a note the red path on the map is ONE WAY--we had to bike home too!!
My neighbor and I have talked quite a bit about biking to Easton and back, but never really had the time to do so...until today! We left our homes after the boys were safely on the bus and headed out. Another neighbor advised us to drive to Alum Creek Park and then take the path, but we decided we're "tough girls" and rode our bikes to Alum Creek Park instead of driving. Note to self--drive to Alum Creek Park next time (if there is a "next time").
We rode through Westerville and arrived at Alum Creek Park located just South of the Otterbein College campus. The trail follows "Alum Creek" and large trees offer much needed shade the majority of the way. The path is very scenic and at several points we crossed Alum Creek via elaborate bridges. We arrived at Easton around 10:30am; good guess Beverly! We decided to make a pit stop and opted for a quick bagel and water at Panera (OK, Diet Coke for me) before beginning the trek home.
Twenty-four miles later, Beverly and I are both home and we can now cheerfully (well, maybe not so cheerfully yet) say that we biked to Easton and back. I'm SO proud of us!! However, I'm wondering if I'll be able to sit in the bleachers this evening to watch Alexander's game. I had no clue my bum and legs would be so STIFF! Oh well, "mission accomplished"!