Our friends, the O'Steens, are visiting from Maryland. The boys knew there was a creek behind the house, but after 14 months of living here they finally decided to explore and discovered their own "Bridge to Tarabithia". Several dirty outfits later, the kids are still enjoying their "creek" time. Hannah even caught a catfish the SAME size as her bucket! The Dads had a Tarzan moment when they discovered they could swing across the creek on a vine. The Moms were not quite as adventurous and chose to pose for pretty pictures instead (thank you Kirsten). Who knew that both families could have SO much fun in a creek?! This concludes my first blog--thank you so much Ms. Heather!!!
I had so much fun at your house!!! I can't wait to come back! You need to come visit in Maryland sometime.
YEAH!!! You are blogging!! It looks great! :) We had a wonderful visit with you guys and we miss you sooooo much! Hey - a 7 hour drive really isn't that far apart, much better than Atlanta!! Happy blogging. Can't wait to see football pictures.
I'm excited to start blogging to Heather--thanks for ALL of your help! We had so much fun with all of you and hope we don't have to wait another year before we're together again! Miss y'all!!!
Miss ya'll too!!
Heather will have the whole world blogging soon. Welcome to the world of blogging. Love your page and will be following it too.
Hi Wendy
I love your blog!!
Glad you all are doing well.
Miss ya,
Kim (Sudduth)
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