Alexander played baseball this season and so I volunteered to assist with stocking the concession stands. Little did I know how much work my volunteering would entail! I enlisted the help of Noah and his friend Eli. Two-three days each week since school ended in early June, the boys have been helping me stock the trailer below. The entire process generally took anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. Although we did learn very quickly that "many hands DO make light work"!

Each day we were assigned to stock, we picked up Eli at 9:30am and headed to the trailer. Initially the boys questioned if it was OK to drive on the walking path--they were afraid of "getting in trouble". However, once they figured how far we'd have to walk carrying heavy crates of drinks and all the other supplies, they decided it was a necessity and very cool to drive on the path! The list below outlines our responsibility. We stocked meat, candy, ice cream, condiments, drinks, chips and various supplies. We perfected a system quickly--one of the boys would call out an item, using the inventory sheet as a guide, and would then mark the sheet appropriately. After we had an accurate count, we would pile back into the car, head to the storage shed, pack up the car and then return to the trailer to stock with the necessary supplies.

The boys expected monetary payment from the beginning and I had to remind them that "community service" means volunteering your time and services without pay. I promised that once our responsiblity concluded, I would reward them for all of their help. Last night, Noah and Eli enjoyed Rita's Italian Ice--a treat for all of their hardwork. Boys, thanks for helping me stock the Towers Trailer--it was a fun adventure!