Alexander (14), Haiden (almost 7) and Noah (11)
Lima, Ohio, December 4, 2010

Since returning to Ohio, each year early in December, Trey's parents request the presence of the boys for a weekend of Christmas celebrating. While I was away visiting my family last weekend, the boys ventured to Lima for their annual event. Grammy packs as much as she can into a weekend! The boys awoke last Saturday and after finishing chores to earn Christmas spending money, Trey's parents took them bowling (Noah beat Alexander by a point--you know how well THAT went over), shopping, to the Christmas tree festival and then to a movie. Following dinner, Uncle Chris, Trey's Dad and the boys watched Uncle Chris' friend cage wrestle. It was a full day ending after midnight. The next morning the boys arose early to make homemade cinnamon sugar donuts and then the infamous cookie baking and decorating. I regret not taking pictures of this year's "masterpieces" as they were the best the boys have ever created. Dee mentioned that Alexander was quite meticulous with his decorating this year--a far cry from when he was 3 and dumped as much suger, sprinkles and other decorations onto his cookies. Dee and Larry, thanks again for a memorable weekend for the boys--we're happy that you were able to spend the weekend with all 3 grandchildren.