Once I turned the BIG 4-0, I had this crazy notion that I MUST complete a 1/2 Marathon; proving to myself that I'm not "old". When I returned to running, last May, after taking 6 months off due to the winter blahs, I could barely complete 2 miles! I set small steps along the way and am proud to say that somehow, some way I accomplished all those mini-goals. In August, I found a 13.1 mile training schedule and realized that I was already well on my way to achieving my goal. My husband has been my biggest cheerleader as well as a couple of very good friends. When I doubted myself, they were there to encourage me and remind me of all that I had already accomplished. Trey has been running by my side on our longer runs--never allowing me to quit even when I was convinced that my legs could take me no further.

Last Friday, Trey and I picked up our running packets--no turning back now! For the first time EVER, the Columbus 1/2 and Full Marathon was sold out with 15,000 runners registering for the event! Below--my official "bib" complete with my first ever running chip.
Last week, I ate pasta, baked potatoes with broccoli and cheese and more bananas than I ever care to eat again--"carbing up" for our big race. Trey and I rose early Sunday morning (5am) both with nervous stomachs--excitement and a little race day anxiety. Below, Trey and I before the start of the marathon.
After the race officially began at 7:30am, we patiently waited and then slowly walked, along with 15,000 runners, reaching the official start line at 7:40am--thank heavens for the chip. Below, the Columbus 1/2 Marathon Map--an amazing run through downtown, past the Franklin Park Conservatory, through Bexley (passing the Govenor's Mansion) back into downtown, through German Village and back into downtown again to cross the finish line. The entire 13.1 miles were lined with people cheering on all the runners--it was truly an amazing experience--one I will NEVER forget. And, best of all, my husband was by my side the entire way--encouraging and cheering me on--helping me reach the finish line. I didn't have a timed goal for this event; I just wanted to cross the finish line!
As Trey and I approached the finish line, it was an awesome feeling to hear our names announced! I thought I might cry when I crossed the finish lined, but I couldn't stop beaming--GOAL ACHIEVED!

Above, we've completed our run, retrieved our checked bag and I'm overwhelmed by the messages awaiting me! My friend that I've known the longest (we met in middle school) also ran the 1/2 Marathon and it was so much fun to catch up with her, briefly, following the race.
Trey, thank you for believing in me, encouraging me and always being by my side during this journey. Without your love, support and encouragement, I don't know that I would have reached my goal. I love you for sacrificing your personal 1/2 Marathon running time, to remain by my side and make sure that I completed the race. It means the world to me that we crossed the finish line, together, even though I know you could have sprinted the last 1/2 mile. Thank you--I love you today and always!!

My friend surprised me yesterday afternoon with the above tile--it brought tears to my eyes when I opened the package. "S", thanks for your support and encouragement along the way--you helped me reach my goal too!
The question of the day seems to be "Will you run another 1/2 Marathon?" IF I can maintain my running schedule through the winter (which WON'T be easy) I very well, just might, run another 1/2 marathon next year. For now, my plans are to run a 5K on November 20th. If my sore body cooperates, I plan to hit the pavement Wednesday for my next run; much shorter than 13.1 miles though!