When asked what I wanted for my 40th birthday, I replied, "a new bike". Now, the task seems simple enough, but I assure you--it wasn't! I'm confident that Trey and I have visited EVERY bike store, or store that sells bikes, within our "neck of the woods" within the past few weeks. Oh good heavens! To say that Trey was beginning to lose his patience with me--well, that's probably an understatement!
There are wonderful bike trails weaving in and out of the Columbus area and I'm ready to explore them. Not to mention, I've started running and I'd love to have cycling become part of my cross-training. At long last, this past Saturday, after a second trip to "Roll", I finally decided on a Giant-Dash. "Roll" has this amazing machine that scans your body (sounds terrifying, but it wasn't) and calculates all the measurements for you to fit comfortably on your new bike. How cool is that?! My new bike is a Hybrid-Sport bike, it's the next step down from a racing bike, and will serve my purposes perfectly.

I can remember when my parents gave me my 3 speed bike, a wonderful shade of blue, for my 10th birthday. My new bike has 24 gears! Honestly, I haven't a clue why I need so many, but I suppose in time I'll figure it out. I love the design of the bike; the "click" gear change, the straight handlebars, the narrow road wheels, the lightweight design and most of all--the color. I've already affectionately named it "my sunshine bike"--yellow, white and gray--bright and cheerful.

I've not had an opportunity to take my new wheels for a spin, but I'm anxious to do so! A BIG "thank you" to my ever patient husband, my parents and my in-laws--I LOVE my new bike! I hope to be feeling better and ready for a ride soon--I'm definitely ready to roll!!