I just wanted to thank everyone for making my 39th (yep--I'm THAT old!) BDay so special. Noah greeted me this morning with a beautiful rendition of "Happy Birthday"--I wish I could have recorded his sweet, little voice. He sang in tune--definitely inherited his singing voice from his G'ma Joan and NOT from his Mom. The boys handed me my birthday card upside down, so it read "WOW"--boy was I momentarily confused. And, since I said "wow" instead of "mom"--well you can just imagine the laughter--at least I provide entertainment for my family. The day was a "typical Sunday"-morning walk, church, grocery shopping (I know--the wrong thing to do on a BDay, but it had to be done) and other errands, dinner and an evening walk. Trey made 14 Carat Cupcakes from my new HG cookbook--while I LOVE carrot cake (BTW, my Mom makes the best carrot cake EVER)I knew I couldn't "afford the points". The cupcakes were a decadent substitute and very enjoyable--thanks Trey for being so thoughtful!! I had a wonderful weekend--again, thanks for making it so special!
I love all of you!!