"Happy First Day of Spring" from Central Ohio. While the temperatures hardly reflect Spring (it was 20 degrees this morning with the windchill!), the sun is shining brightly; no clouds in sight. We were fortunate to enjoy several warm, sunny spring-like days earlier in the week, so at least we enjoyed a small taste of Spring.

Although most of our Spring flowers are not in full bloom, we are slowly seeing signs of Spring. We noticed that several of our trees are beginning to bud and may blossom soon.

The vibrant purple crocuses provide a splash of color in the front landscaping.
Noah and I have watched their progress for weeks and were so excited
when we noticed the first blossoms earlier in the week.

The daffodils have buds and should be blooming shortly.

And, finally, the daylilies and salvia are just beginning to break ground.
We're looking forward to enjoying the flowering trees and blossoms soon.
Happy Spring to all!