We started a Halloween tradition in 1998 that continues to this day. The boys select a "picture" and Mom spends a LONG time carving their designs. The smiles and "thank yous" from the boys are well worth the time spent!

For the first time, Noah chose a "scary" face for his pumpkin

Alexander prefers the traditional Jack O Lantern

My favorite Dollar Tree find--Sophie's Princess costume! We walked to the bus stop yesterday morning and the kids were SO excited to see Sophie in costume.

Over the summer, we watched several Michael Jackson impersonators while vacationing in Mexico. Since vacation, Noah has developed a strong interest in Michael Jackson. For his birthday, we gave him Michael Jackson's #1 hits. Little did we know that CD would become his favorite gift. Within a few days, he was "performing" for us and posting upcoming "shows" on his bedroom door. He's practiced so much that he actually has a routine for EVERY song on the CD--we've seen them many times. He's NOT shy and will perform anywhere, any time and for anyone! You can only imagine his excitement when he started hearing "Thriller" in stores and on the stereo as Halloween drew near! So, I ask you--"Who's Bad?"

Chris, Elizabeth and Haiden joined us for "trick or treat"

Nicholas and Luke stopped by before meeting their friends to "trick or treat"

Eli and Noah walked around together "trick or treating" with Haiden close behind.

Alexander decided he was "too old" to "trick or treat" this year and offered to pass out candy. Of course, he did have a stipulation: his own bowl of candy with his favorite treats. I had a hard time with this choice because it's another sign that our son is growing up much too fast, but he was satisfied with his decision and enjoyed passing out candy to all the kids. It was an absolutely amazing evening--pure Georgia weather--and it was fun to see the kids in costume and not bundled up in winter coats. Many people were out on their driveways (including us) passing out candy and enjoying a comfortable evening outdoors. All in all, it was a perfect Halloween day!